Thursday, December 11, 2008

Portfolio : Reflective Letter

Reflective Letter
------My education in writing started in middle school. I was taught to follow a five-paragraph format. But, as I attended Writing 101, I quickly figured out that there were other ways to write. Throughout fall quarter, I slowly realized my strengths and weaknesses in my writing. My weaknesses in writing is that I tend to make some of my sentences awkward and it is hard for me to elaborate in detail. However, I also noticed my strengths. My strengths is that my transitions flow nicely into the up coming paragraph, and I develop the concept of They Say/ I Say. At the end of the fall quarter, I realized the progress I had made. I started to add more characteristics into my writing, and I learned from Writing 101 how to make my writing relatable with the reader by being personal. I feel like my writing ability has tremendously improved throughout fall quarter.
------On my first essay about Bacon’s Rebellion, I showed both my weaknesses and strengths. One of my weaknesses I showed is not elaborating in detail. For example, in my essay I wrote, “Bacon took advantage of the Natives and the colonists in order to get his way. Taking advantage of innocent vulnerable human beings is wrong and it gives other people the wrong message”. In this section, I did not add any analysis and I did not elaborate how or why Bacon took advantage over the natives and colonists. To improve this section, I should have added how Bacon took advantage of the Natives and then elaborate in the next sentence Bacon’s reasoning for doing so. I also showed some of my strengths in this essay as well. I showed the concept of They Say/ I Say. I wrote, “[t]his rebellion was known as ‘an uprising of angry, poor colonists against[…] the Indians(Zinn). Nathaniel Bacon Jr. was looked upon by the colonists as a strong leader that could help the poor colonists with their financial issues”. I used the quote, and then in the next sentence I stated my opinion to support the quote. However, essay one is not the only writing piece that I found my strength and weaknesses in.
------My Essay Two : Patriots & Loyalists, I also showed some of my weaknesses and strengths. One of my weaknesses was “[f]ollowing the King’s practice of church helped me through tough times, and always helped me find the silver lining to every grey cloud”. The phrase, “ King’s practice of church” made the sentence sound awkward. If I changed the phrase to, “practice of the church”, that would have made the sentence less awkward. A strength that I noticed in essay two was my transitions. One of my transitions was, “[t]he colonists set the boundaries in the constitution and have the freedom to exercise authority lawfully. Following the laws of our Mother Country will keep the colonists from rebelling and will satisfy their daily lives”. This shows a strength because, in the first sentence I used the word constitution to transition over to the next topic of the upcoming paragraph which is about the laws of the mother country. From looking over my essays, my progress in Writing 101 has improved so much.
------Writing 101 has helped me in so many levels. From my essays, I realized that as a writer, I have developed new ways of writing. My instructor Craig has taught me one of the most important variables to add into any paper. He taught me that writing is just like talking. Add in your personality and make your writing relatable with the reader. If you have this key factor in your writing, it makes the reader want to read more, and gives your paper pizzazz. From what I have learned in Writing 101, my abilities as a writer will only help me to become a stronger writer in the future.

Portfolio: Essay #1

Essay 1; Bacon's Rebellion
------Bacon’s Rebellion is a perfect example of prejudice beliefs towards the Natives. I believe that the fuse on Bacon’s Rebellion sparked from bias feelings towards the Natives. From Nathaniel Bacon Jr.’s influential actions, others began to join in on the rebellion. Bacon’s actions towards the Natives were wrong. The actions made was the first step towards the downfall of the colony. Nathaniel Bacon viewed the Natives as the enemies which brought upon the rebellion.
------Bacon’s Rebellion was a rebellion that created conflict between the Natives and the colonists in Virginia. This rebellion was known as “an uprising of angry, poor colonists against [. . .] the Indians (Zinn). Nathaniel Bacon Jr. was looked upon by the colonists as a strong leader that could help the poor colonists with their financial issues. However, Bacon saw the Natives as the common enemy and wanted all Natives banned from Virginia. Bacon’s malevolent feelings toward the Natives pushed himself to form a group of people living in the colony to rebel towards the Natives. Bacon decided to ban the Natives from the colony. Bacon took advantage of the Natives and the colonists in order to get his way. Taking advantage of innocent vulnerable human beings is wrong and it gives other people the wrong message. He explained to the colonists that if all of the Natives were out of the colonial territory, that all will live peacefully and all issues will be resolved. Bacon “found the Indians in all places unwilling to [leave and] […], they [. . .] were forced to go [quiet] […] southward”(Document#21). With the Natives sent away, Bacon felt like he dominated them and gained more power over the colonists. He felt as if he has gained so much power that slowly he could change every single Virginian Colonists to go with his plan and have loyal followers behind him. The main reason for Bacon sending the Natives away is because he wanted to take all of their land and use it for himself. Bacon is a selfish man that believed he could gained power over the Natives and take control over them . From Bacon’s actions, more damage was done than resolved.
------Bacon started to build a title for himself and he started to believe that he could have his way and make the colonists believe his words. For three months, Bacon was at war with the Natives. However, Bacon saw how unpleased his followers became with Bacon targeting the Natives and not the rich so, Bacon told his followers a negotiation. He promised the poor colonists that they will as well rebel towards the rich. The colonists did not believe that the natives had anything to do with the economy’s downfall. Natives lived with a struggle and worked hard to be where they were standing. The Colonists believed that the rich was much more privileged and did not have to live hard during the down fall of the economy. Bacon “probably cared more about fighting Indians than about helping the poor”(Zinn). “Bacon’s extra-legal army bent on revenge [by] attack[ing] the peaceful [innocent] Indian Village” (Puglisi). Bacon and his followers burned down houses, and attacked innocent Natives that were living in the colony. Bacon’s manipulative words persuaded his followers into believing that the Natives did in deed take part of the downfall for the economy. His twisted words made the colonists believe that they were suffering because of the Native’s contributions towards the community. With Bacon’s manipulative, malevolent behaviors, Governor William Berkeley took immediate attention to Bacon and took matters into his own hands.
------Governor Berkeley felt differently towards the Natives. He believed that the colonists should leave the Natives alone and not create a war between the colonists and the Natives. However, Bacon believed “I am sure if the Indians were not cowards, they might have destroyed all the upper plantations and killed all the people upon them”(Document #9). With Bacon pursuing in the rebellion, “the rebellion convulsed Chesapeake politics and society, leaving in its wake death, destruction, and a legacy of hostility between the great planters and their poorer neighbors”(The American Promise, p.91). Bacon’s actions only brought pain and sufferings into the colony. What Bacon desired to look at was the fact that if he does not take action, the Natives would make a disaster in the colony. From Bacon’s actions, it provokes the Natives to get back at the colony for revenge . But, when Bacon and his followers finally “gained the upper hand [by] capturing and murdering the old chief”(The American Promise, p.91), total chaos struck the colony. Governor Berkeley was outraged and a treaty was made. The madness of the fighting had to be put to a stop. The treaty states, “that the government tried to maintain for the next thirty years [and] the Indians relinquished all claims to land already settle by the English” (The American Promise, p.91). However, the poor colonists that were associated with Bacon did not keep to the treaty. More and more servants, poor colonists, and freed servants kept surfacing, and settled on the Native’s territory which then the treaty broke. Throughout the 1660s and 1670s, the Natives and colonists stayed at war against each other. Fighting back was the only way for the Natives to make their statement. They were not going anywhere and Bacon would have to deal with the fact. However, Bacon on the other hand, told the government, “[that] the protected and Darling Indians Design[ed] not only to ruine and extirpate all Indians in Generall but all Manner of Trade and Commerce with them”(The American Promise, p.91). Extirpating the Natives was a perfect excuse to keep the Natives away for good.
------Berkeley “pronounced Bacon a[s] a rebel, [and] threatened to punish him for treason”(Them American Promise, p.91) but, he could trick Bacon into a new election for the House of Burgesses. What Berkeley did not know is that Bacon’s name has gained a title and became very popular within the colony. Bacon has also gained many loyal followers that shall always be by Bacon’s side. The elections blew up at Berkeley and “was replaced by local leaders including Bacon”(92). Bacon has several followers and now he also has the power of the legislation. His malevolent feelings towards the Natives started to surface with the new laws made within the colony. Since Bacon has the power, he believed that he might as well use it to get what he wants. Having Bacon in the House of Burgesses can cause much chaos in the colony. With all his power, “Bacon’s forces fought the Indians sacked the grandees’ plantations, and attacked Jamestown”(The American Promise, p.92). Bacon’s actions were meaningless, and destructive. Bacons actions only led to more problems. None of his actions were made to help change the living environment for the poor colonists. The only reason why the rebellion has been going on for so long is because Bacon was not satisfied until every Native in Virginia were demolished. In the middle of the rebellion, Bacon unexpectedly died. “ The rebellion didn’t last long after that”(Zinn). The colonists did not know what to do or where to go after Bacon’s death. Since they no longer had Bacons manipulative input on situations, the colonists just stopped rebelling. Now that Bacon is gone, the colonists slowly realized that fighting with the Natives was pointless. However, the colonists still believed that the Natives needed to live away from the colony so that everyone could live safe. "The Indians had their land seized by white frontiersmen”(Zinn). They still treated the Natives as a problem. Even after Bacon’s death, the colonist’s feelings towards the Natives were not at great terms. Bacon has truly impacted the views and lives of the colonists.
------Like Bacon’s Rebellion, if you judge by the different characteristics in a person’s appearance, you will walk down the road of regret and shame. If you look at the today, there are children and even adults who has bias views towards others. From those views, many people of other races have been killed or beat. As a result, Bacon’s Rebellion was a clear example of prejudice and bias views that were happening during the 1600s. Bacon’s Rebellion clearly impacted history for generations. The relationship between the Natives and Colonists will always be known as a never ending fight. Nathaniel Bacon has truly impacted the views of the colonists and changed the colonization process for the Natives in Virginia. Nathaniel Bacon’s actions will always be remembered as strong bias beliefs targeted only towards Natives.

Portfolio: Essay #2

Essay 2; Patriots & Loyalists
------In Connecticut today, I am deeply in disgust at those who do not wish to follow the laws of Britain. There are multiple consequences that can bring our colony into chaos. As a loyalist, I believe that we colonists should stay faithful to our home country. I am a young poor miss who does not have the right to contribute my political and religious thoughts for the greater good for Connecticut.

December 1775; Entry One
------Today, as I was shopping at the market, I could not help but over hear a conversation between two gentlemen. One man was slender and pale white like flour and was well dressed. As for the other man, he was quite the opposite. He was round and short, and was dressed in shaggy clothes. As the slender man talked of separating with Britain, the rounder man shook his head in disapproval. I wanted to speak up but, I am a poor woman of color and my words and opinions can not be heard of cared for. But, I strongly believe that keeping a bond with Britain will create a stronger government in Connecticut. Without Britain‘s help, the local government would not be successful. Britain’s way of governing keeps the colonists satisfied. Soon enough, the colonists began to seek the privileges of the new way of governing Connecticut. “The outbreak of hostilities brought no upheaval here in the leadership of affairs. The legislature worked together in harmony, and being chosen by the freemen themselves, were enabled to legislate favorably to popular will”(Gilbert 274). Keeping peace within the colony is the most important virtue to maintain. From having personal experience, I know that peace will bring serenity to Connecticut and, having the legislatures work together will resolve problems peacefully and equally. The colonists set the boundaries in the constitution and have the freedom to exercise authority lawfully.
------Following the laws of our Mother Country will keep the colonists from rebelling and will satisfy their daily lives. “Every town had its three or more selectmen, two or more justices of the peace, two or more constables, town clerk, town treasurer, surveyors of highways, fence-viewers, listers, collectors of taxes, leather-sealers, grand jurors, tithing men, hay-wards, chimney-viewers, gaugers, packers, sealers of weight and measures, key-keepers, records of “sheep-markers” etc”(Gilbert 275). With this in action, every town will have order and will be considered as an organized town because, unlike the patriots, the British government has more organization and will be more effective than self government. Self government will only make our colony grow weaker. I have learned that being independent is not always the right decision to make. Depending on others can give you the will to work harder and really help you realize how two heads are better then one. Britain and Connecticut working together will make our colony become strong and, we will have a government that will be able to support us. Self government is not organized and will not lead the growing population into the right direction of the future Connecticut. “[I]t is the duty of every person in the colonies to oppose by every lawful means the execution of those acts imposed on them, and if they can in no other way be relieved, to reassume their natural rights and the authority the laws of nature and of God have vested them with”( We are still British subjects, and we are responsible to be apart of the Constitution and to participate in the rules of the Constitution. By British Law, Parliament has the right to tax the colonists, which the colonist has to obey the laws and orders given to them.

December 1775; Entry Two
------Growing up colored and female was very hard. As hardship grew, I turned to God as my savior from the pain and sufferings I went through. I strongly believe that faith and the church will keep the colony and the King strongly bonded. Following the practice of the church helped me through tough times, and always helped me find the silver lining to every grey cloud. If the colonists follow the practice of the church, the King will be pleased and will support the colonists in America. This will show the King that we are proud to be British, while living in America. Not only will we be pleasing the King but, we will be obeying our civil duties as a loyal subject to Britain. “[I]t speaks well for the influence and Christian character of the Episcopal clergy [in Connecticut,] that their congregation so generally sympathized with them in their views both of religious and civil duties; ‘that inculcated upon their members, both from the pulpit and in private conversation, a peaceful submission to the King and to the parent state;’ that ‘they were fearless in avowing and vindicating what they conceived to be not only the essential rights of the British Crown, but the essential interests of their venerated communion”(Gilbert 277). The influence of the King’s Christianity will build Connecticut into a stronger colony. Not only will we be connected with the King but, we will all be more united and whole as a colony.
------Following the religion of our King will do great to our colony and the civil duties to Connecticut will be established. “The Churchmen throughout the colony ‘espoused for the most part the cause of the mother country, and thereby showed themselves loyal subjects of the King’ (Gilbert 277). Following the ways of our King shows our loyalty to our Mother Country. We must stay devoted to our Mother Country, after all, our Mother Country is what keeps us secure and supplies our Connecticut colony with food, clothes, tables, and other important daily accessories. Although, some colonists seeks otherwise and believes in becoming a self government. Instead, they seek the loyalists as unfair. Patriots are going to ruin the hard work of constructing this colony. Britain gave me an opportunity to live a new life. Without Britain, I probably would not be living in Connecticut. I for one am very grateful to Britain. We are all still British! What ever actions the patriots take, they will always be British and nothing can change that fact. Becoming a self government will create chaos and will make living in America hard. Independence from Britain will destroy our hard work into building a strong colony. Our import and exports will no longer exist, and we, the colonists will have to learn how to support our colony. This would mean learning how to make clothes, chairs, spoons, and other daily accessories. What the patriots need to realize is that we may be living in America but that does not mean we are Americans. We are a united colony that is devoted to Britain. I am proud to be a loyalist in Connecticut.

Daniels, Bruce . "Connecticut's Villiages Become Mature Towns: The Complexity of Local Institutions, 1676-1776." 13 Nov 2008 .
Fingerhut, Eugene . "Uses and Abuses of the American Loyalists' Claims: A Critique of Quantitative Analyses." 13 Nov 2008 .

Gilbert, G. A. "The Connecticut Loyalists." 13 Nov 2008 .

The Massachusetts Gazette, "Connecticut Resolutions on the Stamp Act: December 10, 1765." 19December1765. 10 Nov 2008 .

Portfolio:Final Exam

Frame II
------The writing process can become very difficult. When it does become difficult, I always say, "two heads are better then one". From experience, I learned that when you are stuck, don't just sit there, interact with your peers and create ideas together. If you share your writing with others, their feedback will only help you improve. I learned that peer discussions were made so that everybody's ideas were out in the open and something is learned at the end of the day.
------In the Optimism One, "Punk Power in the First-Year Writing Classroom", the writer explains how your peers can only help improve the writing process. It is expected that "the writing process can be greatly improved if students have a group of peers with whom they can share their writing". It does not hurt having a group of peers look at your writing. In fact, doing so gives great feedback and gives more ideas to make the process of writing easier. But, "if you are stuck writing or trying to figure something out, there is nothing better than finding one person, or more, to talk to"(Elbow 49). When you have no idea what else to write, elaborate with others and start the ball rolling again. The more people you talk to, the more feedback you will receive. Getting more feedback can only make the writing process stronger and efficient. The Optimism One's view of the writing process applies to many students.
------I for one has experienced the writer's view of writing. In my Writing 101 class, I learned that talking with others will help my writing become stronger. The first essay that I wrote in Writing 101 was based on Bacon's Rebellion. On this essay, I only shared my writing with one or two of my peers. After I received my paper, I realized that my paper could have been above standards if I shared my writing with more than two people. Then, when I wrote my second essay, I made sure that my writing was shared with a group of peers. Like Elbow says, " [a] [g]roup work not only privileges student-centered, democratic practices, but it highlights the interactive nature of creativity". While I was discussing the topic of the essay, I figured out a great way to write the essay. All in all, sharing the writing process with others is like killing two birds with one stone.
------Sharing the writing process with others will always help when you are suck. Bringing ideas together will make your writing stronger. Hearing more than just one voice can make an enormous difference. Interacting with your peers is what makes the writing process improve.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Writing 101 Portfolio

Self Evaluation
------My education in writing started in middle school. I was taught to follow a five-paragraph format. But, as I attended Writing 101, I quickly figured out that there were other ways to write. Throughout fall quarter, I slowly realized my strengths and weaknesses in my writing. My weaknesses in writing is that I tend to make some of my sentences awkward and it is hard for me to elaborate in detail. However, I also noticed my strengths. My strengths is that my transitions flow nicely into the up coming paragraph, and I develop the concept of They Say/ I Say. At the end of the fall quarter, I realized the progress I had made. I started to add more characteristics into my writing, and I learned from Writing 101 how to make my writing relatable with the reader by being personal. I feel like my writing ability has tremendously improved throughout fall quarter.
------On my first essay about Bacon’s Rebellion, I showed both my weaknesses and strengths. One of my weaknesses I showed is not elaborating in detail. For example, in my essay I wrote, “Bacon took advantage of the Natives and the colonists in order to get his way. Taking advantage of innocent vulnerable human beings is wrong and it gives other people the wrong message”. In this section, I did not add any analysis and I did not elaborate how or why Bacon took advantage over the natives and colonists. To improve this section, I should have added how Bacon took advantage of the Natives and then elaborate in the next sentence Bacon’s reasoning for doing so. I also showed some of my strengths in this essay as well. I showed the concept of They Say/ I Say. I wrote, “[t]his rebellion was known as ‘an uprising of angry, poor colonists against[…] the Indians(Zinn). Nathaniel Bacon Jr. was looked upon by the colonists as a strong leader that could help the poor colonists with their financial issues”. I used the quote, and then in the next sentence I stated my opinion to support the quote. However, essay one is not the only writing piece that I found my strength and weaknesses in.
------My Essay Two : Patriots & Loyalists, I also showed some of my weaknesses and strengths. One of my weaknesses was “[f]ollowing the King’s practice of church helped me through tough times, and always helped me find the silver lining to every grey cloud”. The phrase, “ King’s practice of church” made the sentence sound awkward. If I changed the phrase to, “practice of the church”, that would have made the sentence less awkward. A strength that I noticed in essay two was my transitions. One of my transitions was, “[t]he colonists set the boundaries in the constitution and have the freedom to exercise authority lawfully. Following the laws of our Mother Country will keep the colonists from rebelling and will satisfy their daily lives”. This shows a strength because, in the first sentence I used the word constitution to transition over to the next topic of the upcoming paragraph which is about the laws of the mother country. From looking over my essays, my progress in Writing 101 has improved so much.
------Writing 101 has helped me in so many levels. From my essays, I realized that as a writer, I have developed new ways of writing. My instructor Craig has taught me one of the most important variables to add into any paper. He taught me that writing is just like talking. Add in your personality and make your writing relatable with the reader. If you have this key factor in your writing, it makes the reader want to read more, and gives your paper pizzazz. From what I have learned in Writing 101, my abilities as a writer will only help me to become a stronger writer in the future.

Essay 1; Bacon's Rebellion
------Bacon’s Rebellion is a perfect example of prejudice beliefs towards the Natives. I believe that the fuse on Bacon’s Rebellion sparked from bias feelings towards the Natives. From Nathaniel Bacon Jr.’s influential actions, others began to join in on the rebellion. Bacon’s actions towards the Natives were wrong. The actions made was the first step towards the downfall of the colony. Nathaniel Bacon viewed the Natives as the enemies which brought upon the rebellion.
------Bacon’s Rebellion was a rebellion that created conflict between the Natives and the colonists in Virginia. This rebellion was known as “an uprising of angry, poor colonists against [. . .] the Indians (Zinn). Nathaniel Bacon Jr. was looked upon by the colonists as a strong leader that could help the poor colonists with their financial issues. However, Bacon saw the Natives as the common enemy and wanted all Natives banned from Virginia. Bacon’s malevolent feelings toward the Natives pushed himself to form a group of people living in the colony to rebel towards the Natives. Bacon decided to ban the Natives from the colony. Bacon took advantage of the Natives and the colonists in order to get his way. Taking advantage of innocent vulnerable human beings is wrong and it gives other people the wrong message. He explained to the colonists that if all of the Natives were out of the colonial territory, that all will live peacefully and all issues will be resolved. Bacon “found the Indians in all places unwilling to [leave and] […], they [. . .] were forced to go [quiet] […] southward”(Document#21). With the Natives sent away, Bacon felt like he dominated them and gained more power over the colonists. He felt as if he has gained so much power that slowly he could change every single Virginian Colonists to go with his plan and have loyal followers behind him. The main reason for Bacon sending the Natives away is because he wanted to take all of their land and use it for himself. Bacon is a selfish man that believed he could gained power over the Natives and take control over them . From Bacon’s actions, more damage was done than resolved.
------Bacon started to build a title for himself and he started to believe that he could have his way and make the colonists believe his words. For three months, Bacon was at war with the Natives. However, Bacon saw how unpleased his followers became with Bacon targeting the Natives and not the rich so, Bacon told his followers a negotiation. He promised the poor colonists that they will as well rebel towards the rich. The colonists did not believe that the natives had anything to do with the economy’s downfall. Natives lived with a struggle and worked hard to be where they were standing. The Colonists believed that the rich was much more privileged and did not have to live hard during the down fall of the economy. Bacon “probably cared more about fighting Indians than about helping the poor”(Zinn). “Bacon’s extra-legal army bent on revenge [by] attack[ing] the peaceful [innocent] Indian Village” (Puglisi). Bacon and his followers burned down houses, and attacked innocent Natives that were living in the colony. Bacon’s manipulative words persuaded his followers into believing that the Natives did in deed take part of the downfall for the economy. His twisted words made the colonists believe that they were suffering because of the Native’s contributions towards the community. With Bacon’s manipulative, malevolent behaviors, Governor William Berkeley took immediate attention to Bacon and took matters into his own hands.
------Governor Berkeley felt differently towards the Natives. He believed that the colonists should leave the Natives alone and not create a war between the colonists and the Natives. However, Bacon believed “I am sure if the Indians were not cowards, they might have destroyed all the upper plantations and killed all the people upon them”(Document #9). With Bacon pursuing in the rebellion, “the rebellion convulsed Chesapeake politics and society, leaving in its wake death, destruction, and a legacy of hostility between the great planters and their poorer neighbors”(The American Promise, p.91). Bacon’s actions only brought pain and sufferings into the colony. What Bacon desired to look at was the fact that if he does not take action, the Natives would make a disaster in the colony. From Bacon’s actions, it provokes the Natives to get back at the colony for revenge . But, when Bacon and his followers finally “gained the upper hand [by] capturing and murdering the old chief”(The American Promise, p.91), total chaos struck the colony. Governor Berkeley was outraged and a treaty was made. The madness of the fighting had to be put to a stop. The treaty states, “that the government tried to maintain for the next thirty years [and] the Indians relinquished all claims to land already settle by the English” (The American Promise, p.91). However, the poor colonists that were associated with Bacon did not keep to the treaty. More and more servants, poor colonists, and freed servants kept surfacing, and settled on the Native’s territory which then the treaty broke. Throughout the 1660s and 1670s, the Natives and colonists stayed at war against each other. Fighting back was the only way for the Natives to make their statement. They were not going anywhere and Bacon would have to deal with the fact. However, Bacon on the other hand, told the government, “[that] the protected and Darling Indians Design[ed] not only to ruine and extirpate all Indians in Generall but all Manner of Trade and Commerce with them”(The American Promise, p.91). Extirpating the Natives was a perfect excuse to keep the Natives away for good.
------Berkeley “pronounced Bacon a[s] a rebel, [and] threatened to punish him for treason”(Them American Promise, p.91) but, he could trick Bacon into a new election for the House of Burgesses. What Berkeley did not know is that Bacon’s name has gained a title and became very popular within the colony. Bacon has also gained many loyal followers that shall always be by Bacon’s side. The elections blew up at Berkeley and “was replaced by local leaders including Bacon”(92). Bacon has several followers and now he also has the power of the legislation. His malevolent feelings towards the Natives started to surface with the new laws made within the colony. Since Bacon has the power, he believed that he might as well use it to get what he wants. Having Bacon in the House of Burgesses can cause much chaos in the colony. With all his power, “Bacon’s forces fought the Indians sacked the grandees’ plantations, and attacked Jamestown”(The American Promise, p.92). Bacon’s actions were meaningless, and destructive. Bacons actions only led to more problems. None of his actions were made to help change the living environment for the poor colonists. The only reason why the rebellion has been going on for so long is because Bacon was not satisfied until every Native in Virginia were demolished. In the middle of the rebellion, Bacon unexpectedly died. “ The rebellion didn’t last long after that”(Zinn). The colonists did not know what to do or where to go after Bacon’s death. Since they no longer had Bacons manipulative input on situations, the colonists just stopped rebelling. Now that Bacon is gone, the colonists slowly realized that fighting with the Natives was pointless. However, the colonists still believed that the Natives needed to live away from the colony so that everyone could live safe. "The Indians had their land seized by white frontiersmen”(Zinn). They still treated the Natives as a problem. Even after Bacon’s death, the colonist’s feelings towards the Natives were not at great terms. Bacon has truly impacted the views and lives of the colonists.
------Like Bacon’s Rebellion, if you judge by the different characteristics in a person’s appearance, you will walk down the road of regret and shame. If you look at the today, there are children and even adults who has bias views towards others. From those views, many people of other races have been killed or beat. As a result, Bacon’s Rebellion was a clear example of prejudice and bias views that were happening during the 1600s. Bacon’s Rebellion clearly impacted history for generations. The relationship between the Natives and Colonists will always be known as a never ending fight. Nathaniel Bacon has truly impacted the views of the colonists and changed the colonization process for the Natives in Virginia. Nathaniel Bacon’s actions will always be remembered as strong bias beliefs targeted only towards Natives.

Essay 2; Patriots & Loyalists
------In Connecticut today, I am deeply in disgust at those who do not wish to follow the laws of Britain. There are multiple consequences that can bring our colony into chaos. As a loyalist, I believe that we colonists should stay faithful to our home country. I am a young poor miss who does not have the right to contribute my political and religious thoughts for the greater good for Connecticut.

December 1775; Entry One
------Today, as I was shopping at the market, I could not help but over hear a conversation between two gentlemen. One man was slender and pale white like flour and was well dressed. As for the other man, he was quite the opposite. He was round and short, and was dressed in shaggy clothes. As the slender man talked of separating with Britain, the rounder man shook his head in disapproval. I wanted to speak up but, I am a poor woman of color and my words and opinions can not be heard of cared for. But, I strongly believe that keeping a bond with Britain will create a stronger government in Connecticut. Without Britain‘s help, the local government would not be successful. Britain’s way of governing keeps the colonists satisfied. Soon enough, the colonists began to seek the privileges of the new way of governing Connecticut. “The outbreak of hostilities brought no upheaval here in the leadership of affairs. The legislature worked together in harmony, and being chosen by the freemen themselves, were enabled to legislate favorably to popular will”(Gilbert 274). Keeping peace within the colony is the most important virtue to maintain. From having personal experience, I know that peace will bring serenity to Connecticut and, having the legislatures work together will resolve problems peacefully and equally. The colonists set the boundaries in the constitution and have the freedom to exercise authority lawfully.
------Following the laws of our Mother Country will keep the colonists from rebelling and will satisfy their daily lives. “Every town had its three or more selectmen, two or more justices of the peace, two or more constables, town clerk, town treasurer, surveyors of highways, fence-viewers, listers, collectors of taxes, leather-sealers, grand jurors, tithing men, hay-wards, chimney-viewers, gaugers, packers, sealers of weight and measures, key-keepers, records of “sheep-markers” etc”(Gilbert 275). With this in action, every town will have order and will be considered as an organized town because, unlike the patriots, the British government has more organization and will be more effective than self government. Self government will only make our colony grow weaker. I have learned that being independent is not always the right decision to make. Depending on others can give you the will to work harder and really help you realize how two heads are better then one. Britain and Connecticut working together will make our colony become strong and, we will have a government that will be able to support us. Self government is not organized and will not lead the growing population into the right direction of the future Connecticut. “[I]t is the duty of every person in the colonies to oppose by every lawful means the execution of those acts imposed on them, and if they can in no other way be relieved, to reassume their natural rights and the authority the laws of nature and of God have vested them with”( We are still British subjects, and we are responsible to be apart of the Constitution and to participate in the rules of the Constitution. By British Law, Parliament has the right to tax the colonists, which the colonist has to obey the laws and orders given to them.

December 1775; Entry Two
------Growing up colored and female was very hard. As hardship grew, I turned to God as my savior from the pain and sufferings I went through. I strongly believe that faith and the church will keep the colony and the King strongly bonded. Following the practice of the church helped me through tough times, and always helped me find the silver lining to every grey cloud. If the colonists follow the practice of the church, the King will be pleased and will support the colonists in America. This will show the King that we are proud to be British, while living in America. Not only will we be pleasing the King but, we will be obeying our civil duties as a loyal subject to Britain. “[I]t speaks well for the influence and Christian character of the Episcopal clergy [in Connecticut,] that their congregation so generally sympathized with them in their views both of religious and civil duties; ‘that inculcated upon their members, both from the pulpit and in private conversation, a peaceful submission to the King and to the parent state;’ that ‘they were fearless in avowing and vindicating what they conceived to be not only the essential rights of the British Crown, but the essential interests of their venerated communion”(Gilbert 277). The influence of the King’s Christianity will build Connecticut into a stronger colony. Not only will we be connected with the King but, we will all be more united and whole as a colony.
------Following the religion of our King will do great to our colony and the civil duties to Connecticut will be established. “The Churchmen throughout the colony ‘espoused for the most part the cause of the mother country, and thereby showed themselves loyal subjects of the King’ (Gilbert 277). Following the ways of our King shows our loyalty to our Mother Country. We must stay devoted to our Mother Country, after all, our Mother Country is what keeps us secure and supplies our Connecticut colony with food, clothes, tables, and other important daily accessories. Although, some colonists seeks otherwise and believes in becoming a self government. Instead, they seek the loyalists as unfair. Patriots are going to ruin the hard work of constructing this colony. Britain gave me an opportunity to live a new life. Without Britain, I probably would not be living in Connecticut. I for one am very grateful to Britain. We are all still British! What ever actions the patriots take, they will always be British and nothing can change that fact. Becoming a self government will create chaos and will make living in America hard. Independence from Britain will destroy our hard work into building a strong colony. Our import and exports will no longer exist, and we, the colonists will have to learn how to support our colony. This would mean learning how to make clothes, chairs, spoons, and other daily accessories. What the patriots need to realize is that we may be living in America but that does not mean we are Americans. We are a united colony that is devoted to Britain. I am proud to be a loyalist in Connecticut.

Daniels, Bruce . "Connecticut's Villiages Become Mature Towns: The Complexity of Local Institutions, 1676-1776." 13 Nov 2008 .
Fingerhut, Eugene . "Uses and Abuses of the American Loyalists' Claims: A Critique of Quantitative Analyses." 13 Nov 2008 .

Gilbert, G. A. "The Connecticut Loyalists." 13 Nov 2008 .

The Massachusetts Gazette, "Connecticut Resolutions on the Stamp Act: December 10, 1765." 19December1765. 10 Nov 2008 .

Monday, December 1, 2008

Text Analysis

Kentucky resolution-Alien and Sedition Acts
Resolutions in General Assembly

Who is writing?
The writers are the representatives of the commonwealth good people.

Who is the audience?
The audience is for the congress and for the government.

Who do the writers represent?
The writers represent their opinions and reactions towards the unconstitutional laws of congress. They speak out for the good people.

What is being said, argued, and/or requested?
The representatives of the common good people are not satisfied with the unconstitutional laws of Congress and will protest.

How is it being said, argued, and/or requested?
“To again enter the field of argument, and attempt more fully or forcibly to expose the unconstitutionality of those obnoxious laws, would, it is apprehended be as unnecessary as unavailing.”
“Together with our reasons for those opinions, were detailed with decency and with temper, and submitted to the discussion and judgment of our fellow citizens throughout the Union”
“ And finally, in order that no pretexts or arguments may be drawn from a supposed acquiescence on the part of this commonwealth in the constitutionality of those laws, and be thereby used as precedents for similar future violations of federal compact; this commonwealth does now enter against them, its solemn protest”

What proof and/or justification is being used to legitimize the request?
To show that this document is legitimized, at the bottom of this document, it is stamped approved on December 3rd, 1799.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Essay 2 Reflection

For me, I believed that Essay 2 was easier to do then Essay 1. I believe that my work pace on essay 2 was way faster and more presistent then essay 1. From doing essay 1, I feel like I learned what I needed to improve on so, I added all that I have learned into essay 2. I realized that my essay 2 seemed blan as well as essay 1so, what I needed to add was characteristic, personality, and more of my personal persona. Time management was another key factor for essay 2. I spent my time wisely and I was able to keep my pace for essay 2. Essay 1 harder to keep time management. I believe that when doing essays, 3 weeks to do an essay is just too much time. The most thing that I changed from essay 1 to essay 2 would most likely be the transitions. I added transitions that connected and flowed well together in between paragraphs. Overall, I felt more comfortable with wrtiting essay 2 then essay 1.

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Whiskey Rebellion

The Whiskey Rebellion
1. Who is writing?
The writer is the president of the United States of America which is George Washington.

2. Who is the audience?
The audience for the Whiskey Rebellion is the people and government in the United States.

3. Who do the writers represent?
The writers represent the laws laying duties upon spirits distilled within the United States .

4. What is being said/argued/requested?
George Washington wants the Whiskey Rebellion to stop or he will “act to provide for calling forth the militia to execute of the United States, and to compel thereby an alteration in the measures of the legislature and a repeal of the laws”.

5. What proof and or justification is being used to legitimize the request?
To legitimize the request, George Washington formed a proclamation. It states, “He has also in testimony whereof I have caused the seal of the United States of America to be affixed to these presents, and signed the saw with my hand. Done at the city of Philadelphia the seventh day of August, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four, and of the independence of the United States of America the nineteenth”.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Essay 2: Final

------In Connecticut today, I am deeply in disgust at those who do not wish to follow the laws of Britain. There are multiple consequences that can bring our colony into chaos. As a loyalist, I believe that we colonists should stay faithful to our home country. I am a young poor miss who does not have the right to contribute my political and religious thoughts for the greater good for Connecticut.

December 1775; Entry One
------Today, as I was shopping at the market, I could not help but over hear a conversation between two gentlemen. One man was slender and pale white like flour and was well dressed. As for the other man, he was quite the opposite. He was round and short, and was dressed in shaggy clothes. As the slender man talked of separating with Britain, the rounder man shook his head in disapproval. I wanted to speak up but, I am a poor woman of color and my words and opinions can not be heard of cared for. But, I strongly believe that keeping a bond with Britain will create a stronger government in Connecticut. Without Britain‘s help, the local government would not be successful. Britain’s way of governing keeps the colonists satisfied. Soon enough, the colonists began to seek the privileges of the new way of governing Connecticut. “The outbreak of hostilities brought no upheaval here in the leadership of affairs. The legislature worked together in harmony, and being chosen by the freemen themselves, were enabled to legislate favorably to popular will”(Gilbert 274). Keeping peace within the colony is the most important virtue to maintain. From having personal experience, I know that peace will bring serenity to Connecticut and, having the legislatures work together will resolve problems peacefully and equally. The colonists set the boundaries in the constitution and have the freedom to exercise authority lawfully.
------Following the laws of our Mother Country will keep the colonists from rebelling and will satisfy their daily lives. “Every town had its three or more selectmen, two or more justices of the peace, two or more constables, town clerk, town treasurer, surveyors of highways, fence-viewers, listers, collectors of taxes, leather-sealers, grand jurors, tithing men, hay-wards, chimney-viewers, gaugers, packers, sealers of weight and measures, key-keepers, records of “sheep-markers” etc”(Gilbert 275). With this in action, every town will have order and will be considered as an organized town because, unlike the patriots, the British government has more organization and will be more effective than self government. Self government will only make our colony grow weaker. I have learned that being independent is not always the right decision to make. Depending on others can give you the will to work harder and really help you realize how two heads are better then one. Britain and Connecticut working together will make our colony become strong and, we will have a government that will be able to support us. Self government is not organized and will not lead the growing population into the right direction of the future Connecticut. “[I]t is the duty of every person in the colonies to oppose by every lawful means the execution of those acts imposed on them, and if they can in no other way be relieved, to reassume their natural rights and the authority the laws of nature and of God have vested them with”( We are still British subjects, and we are responsible to be apart of the Constitution and to participate in the rules of the Constitution. By British Law, Parliament has the right to tax the colonists, which the colonist has to obey the laws and orders given to them.

December 1775; Entry Two
------Growing up colored and female was very hard. As hardship grew, I turned to God as my savior from the pain and sufferings I went through. I strongly believe that faith and the church will keep the colony and the King strongly bonded. Following the King’s practice of church helped me through tough times, and always helped me find the silver lining to every grey cloud. If the colonists follow the King’s practice of the Church, the King will be pleased and will support the colonists in America. This will show the King that we are proud to be British, while living in America. Not only will we be pleasing the King but, we will be obeying our civil duties as a loyal subject to Britain. “[I]t speaks well for the influence and Christian character of the Episcopal clergy [in Connecticut,] that their congregation so generally sympathized with them in their views both of religious and civil duties; ‘that inculcated upon their members, both from the pulpit and in private conversation, a peaceful submission to the King and to the parent state;’ that ‘they were fearless in avowing and vindicating what they conceived to be not only the essential rights of the British Crown, but the essential interests of their venerated communion”(Gilbert 277). The influence of the King’s Christianity will build Connecticut into a stronger colony. Not only will we be connected with the King but, we will all be more united and whole as a colony.
------Following the religion of our King will do great to our colony and the civil duties to Connecticut will be established. “The Churchmen throughout the colony ‘espoused for the most part the cause of the mother country, and thereby showed themselves loyal subjects of the King’ (Gilbert 277). Following the ways of our King shows our loyalty to our Mother Country. We must stay devoted to our Mother Country, after all, our Mother Country is what keeps us secure and supplies our Connecticut colony with food, clothes, tables, and other important daily accessories. Although, some colonists seeks otherwise and believes in becoming a self government. Instead, they seek the loyalists as unfair. Patriots are going to ruin the hard work of constructing this colony. Britain gave me an opportunity to live a new life. Without Britain, I probably would not be living in Connecticut. I for one am very grateful to Britain. We are all still British! What ever actions the patriots take, they will always be British and nothing can change that fact. Becoming a self government will create chaos and will make living in America hard. Independence from Britain will destroy our hard work into building a strong colony. Our import and exports will no longer exist, and we, the colonists will have to learn how to support our colony. This would mean learning how to make clothes, chairs, spoons, and other daily accessories. What the patriots need to realize is that we may be living in America but that does not mean we are Americans. We are a united colony that is devoted to Britain. I am proud to be a loyalist in Connecticut.

Daniels, Bruce . "Connecticut's Villiages Become Mature Towns: The Complexity of Local Institutions, 1676-1776." 13 Nov 2008 .
Fingerhut, Eugene . "Uses and Abuses of the American Loyalists' Claims: A Critique of Quantitative Analyses." 13 Nov 2008 .

Gilbert, G. A. "The Connecticut Loyalists." 13 Nov 2008 .

The Massachusetts Gazette, "Connecticut Resolutions on the Stamp Act: December 10, 1765." 19December1765. 10 Nov 2008 .

Essay 2: Rought Draft 3

------In Connecticut today, I am deeply in disgust at those who do not wish to follow the laws of Britain. There are multiple consequences that can bring our colony into chaos. As a loyalist, I believe that we colonists should stay faithful to our home country. I am a young miss who does not have the right to contribute my political and religious thoughts for the greater good for Connecticut.
December 1775; Entry One
------Today, as I was shopping at the market, I could not help but over hear a conversation between two gentlemen. One man was slender and pale white like flour and was well dressed. As for the other man, he was quite the opposite. He was round and short, and was dressed in shaggy clothes. As the slender man talked of separating with Britain, the rounder man shook his head in disapproval. I wanted to speak up but, I am a poor woman of color and my words and opinions can not be heard of cared for. But, I strongly believe that keeping a bond with Britain will create a stronger government in Connecticut. Without Britain‘s help, the local government would not be successful. Britain’s way of governing keeps the colonists satisfied. Soon enough, the colonists began to seek the privileges of the new way of governing Connecticut. “The outbreak of hostilities brought no upheaval here in the leadership of affairs. The legislature worked together in harmony, and being chosen by the freemen themselves, were enabled to legislate favorably to popular will”(Gilbert 274). Keeping peace within the colony is the most important virtue to maintain. Having the legislatures work together will resolve problems peacefully and equally. The colonists set the boundaries in the constitution and have the freedom to exercise authority lawfully.
------Following the laws of our Mother Country will keep the colonists from rebelling and will satisfy their daily lives. “Every town had its three or more selectmen, two or more justices of the peace, two or more constables, town clerk, town treasurer, surveyors of highways, fence-viewers, listers, collectors of taxes, leather-sealers, grand jurors, tithing men, hay-wards, chimney-viewers, gaugers, packers, sealers of weight and measures, key-keepers, records of “sheep-markers” etc”(Gilbert 275). With this in action, every town will have order and will be considered as an organized town. Unlike the patriots, this government has more organization and will be more effective than self government. Self government will only make our colony grow weaker. In order to become a strong colony, we will need a government that will be able to support us. Self government is not organized and will not lead the growing population into the right direction of the future Connecticut. “[I]t is the duty of every person in the colonies to oppose by every lawful means the execution of those acts imposed on them, and if they can in no other way be relieved, to reassume their natural rights and the authority the laws of nature and of God have vested them with”( We are still British subjects, and we are responsible to be apart of the Constitution and to participate in the rules of the Constitution. By British Law, Parliament has the right to tax the colonists, which the colonists has to obey the laws and orders given to them.

December 1775; Entry Two
------Growing up colored and female was very hard. As hardship grew, I turned to God as my savior from the pain and sufferings I went through. I strongly believe that faith and the church will keep the colony and the King strongly bonded. Following the King’s practice of church helped me through tough times, and always helped me find the silver lining to every grey cloud. If the colonists follow the King’s practice of the Church, the King will be pleased and will support the colonists in America. This will show the King that we are proud to be British, while living in America. Not only will we be pleasing the King but, we will be obeying our civil duties as a loyal subject to Britain. “[I]t speaks well for the influence and Christian character of the Episcopal clergy [in Connecticut,] that their congregation so generally sympathized with them in their views both of religious and civil duties; ‘that inculcated upon their members, both from the pulpit and in private conversation, a peaceful submission to the King and to the parent state;’ that ‘they were fearless in avowing and vindicating what they conceived to be not only the essential rights of the British Crown, but the essential interests of their venerated communion”(Gilbert 277). The influence of the King’s Christianity will build Connecticut into a stronger colony. Not only will we be connected with the King but, we will all be more united and whole as a colony.
------Following the religion of our King will do great to our colony and the civil duties to Connecticut will be established. “The Churchmen throughout the colony ‘espoused for the most part the cause of the mother country, and thereby showed themselves loyal subjects of the King’(Gilbert 277). Following the ways of our King shows our loyalty to our Mother Country. We must stay devoted to our Mother Country, after all, our Mother Country is what keeps us secure and supplies our Connecticut colony with food, clothes, tables, and other important daily accessories. Although, some colonists seeks otherwise and believes in becoming a self government. Instead, they seek the loyalists as unfair. We are all still British! What ever actions the patriots take, they will always be British and nothing can change that fact. Becoming a self government will create chaos and will make living in America hard. Independence from Britain will destroy our hard work into building a strong colony. Our import and exports will no longer exist, and we, the colonists will have to learn how to support our colony. This would mean learning how to make clothes, chairs, spoons, and other daily accessories. What the patriots need to realize is that we may be living in America but that does not mean we are Americans. We are a united colony that is devoted to Britain.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Essay 2: Rough Draft 2

------In Connecticut today, I am deeply in disgust at those who do not wish to follow the laws of Britain. There are multiple consequences that can break our colony into and end. We, as colonists from Britain should stay faithful to our home country. I am a woman who wants to have a voice and speak up for our devotion to our Mother Country.

December 1775; Entry One
------I strongly believe that keeping a bond with Britain will create a stronger government in Connecticut. Without Britain‘s help, the local government would not be successful. Britain’s way of governing keeps the colonists satisfied. Soon enough, the colonists began to seek the privileges of the new way of governing Connecticut. “The outbreak of hostilities brought no upheaval here in the leadership of affairs. The legislature worked together in harmony, and being chosen by the freemen themselves, were enabled to legislate favorably to popular will”(Gilbert 274). Keeping peace within the colony is the most important virtue to maintain. Having the legislatures work together will resolve problems peacefully and equally. The colonists set the boundaries in the constitution and have the freedom to exercise authority lawfully.
------Following the laws of our Mother Country will keep the colonists from rebelling and will satisfy their daily lives. “Every town had its three or more selectmen, two or more justices of the peace, two or more constables, town clerk, town treasurer, surveyors of highways, fence-viewers, listers, collectors of taxes, leather-sealers, grand jurors, tithing men, hay-wards, chimney-viewers, gaugers, packers, sealers of weight and measures, key-keepers, records of “sheep-markers” etc”(Gilbert 275). With this in action, every town will have order and will be considered as an organized town. Unlike the patriots, this government has more organization and will be more effective than self government. Self government will only make our colony grow weak. In order to become a strong colony, we will need a government that will be able to support us. Self government is not organized and will not lead the growing population into the right direction of the future Connecticut. “[I[t is the duty of every person in the colonies to oppose by every lawful means the execution of those acts imposed on them, and if they can in no other way be relieved, to reassume their natural rights and the authority the laws of nature and of God have vested them with”( We are still British subjects, and we are responsible to be apart of the Constitution and to participate in the rules of the Constitution. Bottom line is, by British Law, Parliament has the right to tax the colonists, which the colonists has to obey the laws and orders given to them.

December 1775; Entry Two
------Faith and the church will keep the colony and the King strongly bonded. If the colonists follow the Kings practice of the Church, the King will be pleased and will support the colonists in America. This will show the King that we are proud to be British, while living in America. Not only will we be pleasing the King but, we will be obeying our civil duties as a loyal subject to Britain. “[I]t speaks well for the influence and Christian character of the Episcopal clergy [in Connecticut,] that their congregation so generally sympathized with them in their views both of religious and civil duties; “that inculcated upon their members, both from the pulpit and in private conversation, a peaceful submission to the King and to the parent state;” that “they were fearless in avowing and vindicating what they conceived to be not only the essential rights of the British Crown, but the essential interests of their venerated communion”(Gilbert 277). The influence of the King’s Christianity will build Connecticut into a stronger colony. Not only will we be connected with the King but, we will all be more united and whole as a colony.
------Following the religion of our King will do great to our colony and the civil duties to Connecticut will be established. “The Churchmen throughout the colony “espoused for the most part the cause of the mother country, and thereby showed themselves loyal subjects of the King”(Gilbert 277). Following the ways of our King shows our loyalty to our Mother Country. We must stay devoted to our Mother Country, after all, our Mother Country is what keeps us secure and supplies our Connecticut colony with food, clothes, tables, and other important daily accessories. Although, some colonists seeks otherwise and believes in becoming a self government. Instead, they seek the loyalists as unfair. We are all still British! What ever actions the patriots take, they will always be British and nothing can change that fact. Becoming a self government will create chaos and will make living in America hard. Independence from Britain will destroy our hard work into building a strong colony. Our import and exports will no longer exist, and we, the colonists will have to learn how to support our colony. This would mean learning how to make clothes, chairs, spoons, and other daily accessories. What the patriots need to realize is that we may be living in America but that does not mean we are Americans. We are a united colony that is devoted to Britain.

Daniels, Bruce . "Connecticut's Villiages Become Mature Towns: The Complexity of Local Institutions, 1676-1776." 13 Nov 2008 .

Fingerhut, Eugene . "Uses and Abuses of the American Loyalists' Claims: A Critique of Quantitative Analyses." 13 Nov 2008 .

Gilbert, G. A. "The Connecticut Loyalists." 13 Nov 2008 .

The Massachusetts Gazette, "Connecticut Resolutions on the Stamp Act: December 10, 1765." 19December1765. 10 Nov 2008 .

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Essay 2: Outline 3

I am a loyalists living in Connecticut.
I. The local government in Connecticut became well molded with the help from the loyalists.
-------A. Colonists saw the privilege of the new way of governing Connecticut. Not only will everyone be satisfied but, it will make the colonists happy.
----------i. “The outbreak of hostilities brought no upheaval here in the leadership of affairs. The governor and both branches of the legislature worked together in harmony, and being chosen by the freemen themselves, were enabled to legislate favorably to popular will”( Gilbert,274).
-------------a. Having the legislatures work together will resolve any problems that they will have to face in the future.
-------------b. Following the laws of England will keep the people from rebelling and keep everyone satisfied with their daily lives.
-------------c. The people set the boundaries in the constitution and have the freedom to exercise authority lawfully.
----------ii. “Every town had its three or more selectmen, two or more justices of the peace, two or more constables, town clerk, town treasurer, surveyors of highways, fence-viewers, listers, collectors of taxes, leather-sealers, grand jurors, tithing men, hay-wards, chimney-viewers, gaugers, packers, sealers of weight and measures, key-keepers, records of “sheep-markers” etc” (Gilbert,275).
-------------a. With this in action, every town will have order and will be considered as an organized town.
-------------b. Unlike patriots, this government will give more organization and be more effective than the self government of the patriots.
-------------c. Self government is not organized and will not lead the growing population of the colonists into the right direction of the future Connecticut.
----------iii. “That it is the duty of every person in the colonies to oppose by every lawful means the execution of those acts imposed on them, and if they can in no other way be relieved, to reassume their natural rights and the authority the laws of nature and of God have vested them with”(
-------------a. We give every one living in the colony responsibility to be apart of the English Constitution and to participate in the rules of the Constitution.
-------------b. Bottom line is, by British Law, Parliament has the right to tax the colonists and which the colonists has to obey the law and orders given to them.

II. Faith and the church will keep the colony and the King strongly bonded.
-------A. If the colonists follow the Kings practice of the Church, the King will be pleased and will support the colonists in America.
-----------i. “[I]t speaks well for the influence and Christian character of the Episcopal clergy [in Connecticut,] that their congregation so generally sympathized with them in their views both of religious and civil duties; “that inculcated upon their members, both from the pulpit and in private conversation, a peaceful submission to the King and to the parent state;” that “they were fearless in avowing and vindicating what they conceived to be not only the essential rights of the British Crown, but the essential interests of their venerated communion”(Gilbert,277).
------------a. The influence of the King’s Christianity will build Connecticut into a stronger colony.
------------b. Following the religion of our King will do great to our colony and the civil duties to Connecticut will established.
----------ii. “The Churchmen throughout the colony “espoused for the most part the cause of the mother country, and thereby showed themselves loyal subjects of the King”(Gilbert,277).
------------a. Following the ways of our king will show our loyalty to our Mother Country.
------------b. We must stay loyal to our Mother Country, after all, our Mother Country is what keeps us secure and supplies our Connecticut colony with food, clothes, tables, and other important daily accessories.
iii. Although, some colonists believed in becoming a self government.
-------A. The loyalists has good intentions but, the patriots do not see that as good intentions. Instead, they seek the loyalists as unfair.
-------B. We are all still British. What ever actions you take, we will always be British and follow the constitution.
-------C. Becoming a self government will create chaos between the colonists and the British . Independence from Britain
-------D. No more import/exports which also means no trade which means colonists will have to learn how to make their own daily accessories (spoons, chairs, etc. ) and learn how to grow their own food.

Daniels, Bruce . "Connecticut's Villiages Become Mature Towns: The Complexity of Local Institutions, 1676-1776." 13 Nov 2008 .

Fingerhut, Eugene . "Uses and Abuses of the American Loyalists' Claims: A Critique of Quantitative Analyses." 13 Nov 2008 .

Gilbert, G. A. "The Connecticut Loyalists." 13 Nov 2008 .

The Massachusetts Gazette, "Connecticut Resolutions on the Stamp Act: December 10, 1765." 19December1765. 10 Nov 2008 .

Essay 2: Rough Draft

I am a Loyalist in Connecticut
December 1775; Entry One
-----I strongly believe that keeping a bond with England will create a stronger government and continue to build a strong religion in Connecticut. Without Britain, the local government would not be as successful as it is today. Colonists began to seek the privilege of the new way of governing Connecticut. “The outbreak of hostilities brought no upheaval here in the leadership of affairs. The legislature worked together in harmony, and being chosen by the freemen themselves, were enabled to legislate favorably to popular will”(Gilbert,274). Having the legislatures work together will resolve problems peacefully and equally. The colonists set the boundaries in the constitution and have the freedom to exercise authority lawfully. Following the laws of our Mother Country will keep the people from rebelling and satisfy everyone with their daily lives. “Every town had its three or more selectmen, two or more justices of the peace, two or more constables, town clerk, town treasurer, surveyors of highways, fence-viewers, listers, collectors of taxes, leather-sealers, grand jurors, tithing men, hay-wards, chimney-viewers, gaugers, packers, sealers of weight and measures, key-keepers, records of “sheep-markers” etc”(Gilbert,275). With this in action, every town will have order and will be considered as an organized town. Unlike patriots, this government have more organization and be more effective than the self government of the patriots. Self government is not organized and will not lead the growing population into the right direction of the future Connecticut. “[I[t is the duty of every person in the colonies to oppose by every lawful means the execution of those acts imposed on them, and if they can in no other way be relieved, to reassume their natural rights and the authority the laws of nature and of God have vested them with” ( We are still British subjects, and we are responsible to be apart of the Constitution and to participate in the rules of the Constitution. Bottom line is, by British Law, Parliament has the right to tax the colonists, which the colonists has to obey the laws and orders given to them.

December 1775; Entry Two
-----Faith and the church will keep the colony and the King strongly bonded. If the colonists follow the Kings practice of the Church, the King will be pleased and will support the colonists in America. This will show the King that we are proud to still be British, while living in America. “[I]t speaks well for the influence and Christian character of the Episcopal clergy [in Connecticut,] that their congregation so generally sympathized with them in their views both of religious and civil duties; “that inculcated upon their members, both from the pulpit and in private conversation, a peaceful submission to the King and to the parent state;” that “they were fearless in avowing and vindicating what they conceived to be not only the essential rights of the British Crown, but the essential interests of their venerated communion”(Gilbert,277). The influence of the King’s Christianity will build Connecticut into a stronger colony. Not only will we be connected with the King but, we will all be more united and whole as a colony. Following the religion of our King will do great to our colony and the civil duties to Connecticut will be established. “The Churchmen throughout the colony “espoused for the most part the cause of the mother country, and thereby showed themselves loyal subjects of the King”(Gilbert,277). Following the ways of our King shows our loyalty to our Mother Country. We must stay devoted to our Mother Country, after all, our Mother Country is what keeps us secure and supplies our Connecticut colony with food, clothes, tables, and other important daily accessories. Although, some colonists seeks otherwise and believes in becoming a self government. Instead, they seek the loyalists as unfair. We are all still British! What ever actions the patriots take, they will always be British and nothing can change that fact. Becoming a self government will create chaos and will make living in America hard. Independence from Britain will destroy our hard work into building a strong colony. Our import and exports will no longer exist, and we, the colonists will have to learn how to support our colony. This would mean learning how to make clothes, chairs, spoons, and other daily accessories. What the patriots need to realize is that we may be living in America but that does not mean we are Americans. We are a united colony that is devoted to Britain.

Daniels, Bruce . "Connecticut's Villiages Become Mature Towns: The Complexity of Local Institutions, 1676-1776." 13 Nov 2008 .

Fingerhut, Eugene . "Uses and Abuses of the American Loyalists' Claims: A Critique of Quantitative Analyses." 13 Nov 2008 .

Gilbert, G. A. "The Connecticut Loyalists." 13 Nov 2008 .

The Massachusetts Gazette, "Connecticut Resolutions on the Stamp Act: December 10, 1765." 19December1765. 10 Nov 2008 .

Friday, November 14, 2008

Essay 2:Outline 2

(under construction)

I. The local government in Connecticut became well molded with the help from the loyalists.
-------A. Colonists saw the privilege of the new way of governing Connecticut. Not only will everyone be satisfied but, it will make the colonists happy.
----------i. “The outbreak of hostilities brought no upheaval here in the leadership of affairs. The governor and both branches of the legislature worked together in harmony, and being chosen by the freemen themselves, were enabled to legislate favorably to popular will”.
-------------a. Having the legislatures work together will resolve any problems that they will have to face in the future.
-------------b. Following the laws of England will keep the people from rebelling and keep everyone satisfied with their daily lives.
-------------c. The people set the boundaries in the constitution and have the freedom to exercise authority lawfully.
----------ii. “Every town had its three or more selectmen, two or more justices of the peace, two or more constables, town clerk, town treasurer, surveyors of highways, fence-viewers, listers, collectors of taxes, leather-sealers, grand jurors, tithing men, hay-wards, chimney-viewers, gaugers, packers, sealers of weight and measures, key-keepers, records of “sheep-markers” etc”.
-------------a. With this in action, every town will have order and will be considered as an organized town.
-------------b. Unlike patriots, this government will give more organization and be more effective than the self government of the patriots,
-------------c. Self government is not organized and will not lead the growing population of the colonists into the right direction of the future Connecticut.
----------iii. “That it is the duty of every person in the colonies to oppose by every lawful means the execution of those acts imposed on them, and if they can in no other way be relieved, to reassume their natural rights and the authority the laws of nature and of God have vested them with”.
-------------a. We give every one living in the colony responsibility to be apart of the English Constitution and to participate in the rules of the Constitution.
-------------b. Bottom line is, by British Law, Parliament has the right to tax the colonists and which the colonists has to obey the law and orders given to them.

II. Faith and the church will keep the colony and the King in a bind.
-------A. If the colonists follow the Kings practice of the Church, the King will be pleased and will support the colonists in America.
-----------i. “[I]t speaks well for the influence and Christian character of the Episcopal clergy [in Connecticut,] that their congregation so generally sympathized with them in their views both of religious and civil duties; “that inculcated upon their members, both from the pulpit and in private conversation, a peaceful submission to the King and to the parent state;” that “they were fearless in avowing and vindicating what they conceived to be not only the essential rights of the British Crown, but the essential interests of their venerated communion”.
------------a. The influence of the King’s Christianity will build Connecticut into a stronger colony.
------------b. Following the religion of our King will do great to our colony and the civil duties to Connecticut will established.
----------ii. “The Churchmen throughout the colony “espoused for the most part the cause of the mother country, and thereby showed themselves loyal subjects of the King”.
------------a. Following the ways of our king will show our loyalty to our Mother Country.
------------b. We must stay loyal to our Mother Country, after all, our Mother Country is what keeps us secure and supplies our Connecticut colony with food, clothes, tables, and other important daily accessories.

III. Although, some colonists believed in becoming a self government.
-------A. The loyalists has good intentions but, the patriots do not see that as good intentions. Instead, they seek the loyalists as unfair.
-------B. We are all still British. What ever actions you take, we will always be British and follow the constitution.
-------C. Becoming a self government will create chaos between the colonists and the British . Independence from Britain
-------D. No more import/exports which also means no trade which means colonists will have to learn how to make their own daily accessories (spoons, chairs, etc. ) and learn how to grow their own food.

Daniels, Bruce C.. "Connecticut's Villiages Become Mature Towns: The Complexity of Local Institutions, 1676-1776." (accessed November 13, 2008).

Fingerhut, Eugene R.. "Uses and Abuses of the American Loyalists' Claims: A Critique of Quantitative Analyses." (accessed November 13, 2008).

Gilbert, G. A.. "The Connecticut Loyalists." (accessed November 13, 2008).

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Essay 2: Outline


I. The local government in Connecticut became well molded with the help from the loyalists.
-------A. Colonists saw the privilege of the new way of governing Connecticut. Not only will everyone be satisfied but, it will make the colonists happy.
----------i. “The outbreak of hostilities brought no upheaval here in the leadership of affairs. The governor and both branches of the legislature worked together in harmony, and being chosen by the freemen themselves, were enabled to legislate favorably to popular will”.
-------------a. Having the legislatures work together will resolve any problems that they will have to face in the future.
----------ii. “Every town had its three or more selectmen, two or more justices of the peace, two or more constables, town clerk, town treasurer, surveyors of highways, fence-viewers, listers, collectors of taxes, leather-sealers, grand jurors, tithing men, hay-wards, chimney-viewers, gaugers, packers, sealers of weight and measures, key-keepers, records of “sheep-markers” etc”.
-------------a. With this in action, every town will have order and will be considered as an organized town.
-------------b. Unlike patriots, this government will give more organization and be more effective than the self government of the patriots,
-------------c. Self government is not organized and will not lead the growing population of the colonists into the right direction of the future Connecticut.

II. Following the laws of England will keep the people from rebelling and keep everyone satisfied with daily life.
------ A. In the colony, these rules were set to resolve on the Stamp Act.
--------- i. “That the boundaries set by the people in all constitutions are the only limits within which any officer can lawfully exercise authority. That whenever those bounds are exceeded, the people have a right to reassume the exercise of that authority which by nature they had before they delegated it to individuals. That every tax imposed upon English subjects without consent is against the natural rights and the bounds prescribed by the English constitution”
--------------a. Following the English Constitution will make everyday life easier.
------------- b. The people set the boundaries in the constitution and has the freedom to exercise authority lawfully.
---------ii. “That it is the duty of every person in the colonies to oppose by every lawful means the execution of those acts imposed on them, and if they can in no other way be relieved, to reassume their natural rights and the authority the laws of nature and of God have vested them with”.
-------------a. We give every one living in the colony responsibility to be apart of the English Constitution and to participate in the rules of the Constitution.
-------------b. Bottom line is, by British Law, Parliament has the right to tax the colonists and which the colonists has to obey the law and orders given to them.

III. Although, some colonists believed in becoming a self government.
-------A. The loyalists has good intentions but, the patriots do not see that as good intentions. Instead, they seek the loyalists as unfair.
-------B. We are all still British. What ever actions you take, we will always be British and follow the constitution.
-------C. Becoming a self government will create chaos between the colonists and the British . Independence from Britain
-------D. No more import/exports which also means no trade which means colonists will have to learn how to make their own daily accessories (spoons, chairs, etc. ) and learn how to grow their own food.

Title: Uses and Abuses of the American Loyalists' Claims: A Critique of Quantitative Analyses
Author(s): Eugene R. Fingerhut
Source: The William and Mary Quarterly, Third Series, Vol. 25, No. 2 (Apr., 1968), pp. 245-258
Publisher(s): Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture
Stable URL:

Title: The Connecticut Loyalists
Author(s): G. A. Gilbert
Source: The American Historical Review, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Jan., 1899), pp. 273-291
Publisher(s): American Historical Association
Stable URL:

Title: Connecticut's Villages Become Mature Towns: The Complexity of Local Institutions, 1676 to 1776
Author(s): Bruce C. Daniels
Source: The William and Mary Quarterly, Third Series, Vol. 34, No. 1 (Jan., 1977), pp. 83-103
Publisher(s): Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture
Stable URL:

Thursday, October 30, 2008


When we think about the colonists living in America, we can see that they moved away from Europe to gain their own independence. Although the colonists were proud to be British, but saw America as an opportunity land. They wanted to form a self government. The colonists wanted to run things their own way for a change. They believed that if they govern themselves, there was a huge possibility of a brighter future for the colonists. Becoming independent was their first step to success.

As for the British living in Europe, they believed that the colonists were no longer British, but American. Even though they did not see the colonists as the same, they still protected the colonists from the French and traded goods with them. The King and Parliament took great care of the colonists living in America. As time passed the colonists self government fell apart. With the colonists taking supplies from Britain, the parliament realized that shipping goods has become too expensive. I believe that the colonists became too expensive to supply for as time passed by. So, Parliament developed the Stamp Act. The colonists were being taxed on almost everything. Parliament wanted to take control and govern the colonists to become an empire. Colonists of course were upset and “rebelled” towards the Stamp Act. Colonial elites believed that the Stamp Act was an ill-judged measure. From the chaos the colonists stirred up, the English repealed the Stamp Act. From what I have heard, "pride is political liberty".

Text Analysis Paragraphs

Letter form the New York Committee of Fifty-One to the Boston Committee of Correspondence

This primary document is about American Freedom. The New York Committee sent a letter to the Boston Committee of Correspondence stating that the sister colony is suffering in defence of the rights of America. They are interested in making an effort to reach freedom throughout the sister colonies. They would like to reach a goal of all sister colonies having an act of becoming equal. Having freedom is the most important virtue to hold.

Circular Letter of the Boston Committee of Correspondence:

This primary document is basically stating how the town of Boston is being treated. The Parliament has taken upon representation of the government to look past the prejudice views towards the Natives. One situation that was brought up was the Boston Tea Act. When the Natives threw tea into the Harbor. This made the Americans rethink about the American trade.

Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress:

This primary document is about the rights of the Americans. The British parliament is taking advantage by claiming power of right, and bind the people of America by statues in all cases. To resolve this situation, the English colonies in North-America has created laws of nature to resolve the rights to the people.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Text Analysis #2

Letter from the New York Committee of Fifty-One to the Boston Committee of Correspondence:May 23, 1774

Who is writing:
The New York Committer of Fifty-One is the writer of this primary document.

Who is the audience:
The audience is meant for the Boston Committee of Correspondence.

Who do the writers represent:
The writer represents the sister colonies and for their committees.

What is being said/argued/requested:
The argument for this primary document is that the sister colony is suffering in defense of the rights of America and that they consider the injuries as a common cause and something has to be done. They also request that they shall continue to act with a firm and becoming regard to American Freedom.

What proof and/or justification is being used to legitimize the request:
This primary document is legitimate because this document is formatted in first person, and this document is a letter from the New York Committee of Fifty-One to the Boston Committee of Correspondence.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Essay #1 Reflection

Based on my first essay, I realized that writing has levels of difficulties. In school, I have always learned to a format of a 5-Paragraph essay. What really made my writing difficult was to adapt to the They Say/I Say format. My writing process was a total different experience. I did not start on the introduction first but on my body paragraph which was something different from what I would normally do. This new format has taught me so much, and I feel like i experienced a great learning experience. Another tip that I learned is, the writing process could be as free as making a conversation with someone. Writing does not always need to be fact based with hard evidence. My first essay was writing about history. When i wrote about Bacon's Rebellion, I slowly realized that I did not need to only write down facts. There are more ways to bring out the Main Idea about the historical happenings. History can be written with your feelings and ideas towards the situation. Having quotes wont make your paper, your ideas and inputs does. Although history does need to be fact based, you could always add your own expressions into your writing. Overall, this paper on Bacon's Rebellion has taught me so much about formatting in general. There is no wrong or right way about writing, as long as you believe in your work, you are going on the right path.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Text Analysis Virginia Resolves on the Stamp Act 30 May 1765

Text Analysis Virginia Resolves on the Stamp Act 30 May 1765

Who is writing?
The author of Virginia resolves on the Stamp Act, 1765 is Patrick Henry

Who is the audience?
The audience is for the colonists and for the House of Burgesses of Virginia.

Who do the writers represent?
The writer represents what actions in the House of Burgesses make on the issue about no taxation without representation. The writer also represents the colony.

What is being said, argued, and/or requested?
In this primary document, the main issue that is being argued is how far the general assembly of the colony has power to enact laws for laying taxes and imposing duties payable to the pope.

How is it being said, argued, and/or requested?
This issue is being argued because the writer has the House of Burgesses of Virginia’s resolutions for “No taxation without representation”. He also has what King James granted.

What proof and/or justification is being used to legitimize the request?
The proof and justification is being used to legitimize the request from the House of Burgesses of Virginia. They make the resolutions and makes a published widely in newspapers, with additional resolution and also makes some variations from publications to publication.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Bacon's Rebellion Final

In the 1600s, many people had different views towards people of different skin. Bacon’s Rebellion is a perfect example of prejudice beliefs towards the Natives. I believe that the fuse on Bacon’s Rebellion sparked from bias feelings towards the Natives. From Nathaniel Bacon Jr.’s influential actions, others began to join in on the rebellion. Bacon’s actions towards the Natives were wrong. The actions made was the first step towards the downfall of the colony. Nathaniel Bacon viewed the Natives as the enemies which brought upon the rebellion.

Bacon’s Rebellion was a rebellion that created conflict between the Natives and the colonists in Virginia. This rebellion was known as “an uprising of angry, poor colonists against [. . .] the Indians (Zinn). Nathaniel Bacon Jr. was looked upon by the colonists as a strong leader that could help the poor colonists with their financial issues. However, Bacon saw the Natives as the common enemy and wanted all Natives banned from Virginia. Bacon’s malevolent feelings toward the Natives pushed himself to form a group of people living in the colony to rebel towards the Natives. Bacon decided to ban the Natives from the colony. Bacon took advantage of the Natives and the colonists in order to get his way. Taking advantage of innocent vulnerable human beings is wrong and it gives other people the wrong message. He explained to the colonists that if all of the Natives were out of the colonial territory, that all will live peacefully and all issues will be resolved. Bacon “found the Indians in all places unwilling to [leave and] […], they [. . .] were forced to go [quiet] […] southward”(Document#21). With the Natives sent away, Bacon felt like he dominated them and gained more power over the colonists. He felt as if he has gained so much power that slowly he could change every single Virginian Colonists to go with his plan and have loyal followers behind him. The main reason for Bacon sending the Natives away is because he wanted to take all of their land and use it for himself. Bacon is a selfish man that believed he could gained power over the Natives and take control over them . From Bacon’s actions, more damage was done than resolved.

Bacon started to build a title for himself and he started to believe that he could have his way and make the colonists believe his words. For three months, Bacon was at war with the Natives. However, Bacon saw how unpleased his followers became with Bacon targeting the Natives and not the rich so, Bacon told his followers a negotiation. He promised the poor colonists that they will as well rebel towards the rich. The colonists did not believe that the natives had anything to do with the economy’s downfall. Natives lived with a struggle and worked hard to be where they were standing. The Colonists believed that the rich was much more privileged and did not have to live hard during the down fall of the economy. Bacon “probably cared more about fighting Indians than about helping the poor”(Zinn). “Bacon’s extra-legal army bent on revenge [by] attack[ing] the peaceful [innocent] Indian Village” (Puglisi). Bacon and his followers burned down houses, and attacked innocent Natives that were living in the colony. Bacon’s manipulative words persuaded his followers into believing that the Natives did in deed take part of the downfall for the economy. His twisted words made the colonists believe that they were suffering because of the Native’s contributions towards the community. With Bacon’s manipulative, malevolent behaviors, Governor William Berkeley took immediate attention to Bacon and took matters into his own hands.

Governor Berkeley felt differently towards the Natives. He believed that the colonists should leave the Natives alone and not create a war between the colonists and the Natives. However, Bacon believed “I am sure if the Indians were not cowards, they might have destroyed all the upper plantations and killed all the people upon them”(Document #9). With Bacon pursuing in the rebellion, “the rebellion convulsed Chesapeake politics and society, leaving in its wake death, destruction, and a legacy of hostility between the great planters and their poorer neighbors”(The American Promise, p.91). Bacon’s actions only brought pain and sufferings into the colony. What Bacon desired to look at was the fact that if he does not take action, the Natives would make a disaster in the colony. From Bacon’s actions, it provokes the Natives to get back at the colony for revenge . But, when Bacon and his followers finally “gained the upper hand [by] capturing and murdering the old chief”(The American Promise, p.91), total chaos struck the colony. Governor Berkeley was outraged and a treaty was made. The madness of the fighting had to be put to a stop. The treaty states, “that the government tried to maintain for the next thirty years [and] the Indians relinquished all claims to land already settle by the English” (The American Promise, p.91). However, the poor colonists that were associated with Bacon did not keep to the treaty. More and more servants, poor colonists, and freed servants kept surfacing, and settled on the Native’s territory which then the treaty broke. Throughout the 1660s and 1670s, the Natives and colonists stayed at war against each other. Fighting back was the only way for the Natives to make their statement. They were not going anywhere and Bacon would have to deal with the fact. However, Bacon on the other hand, told the government, “[that] the protected and Darling Indians Design[ed] not only to ruine and extirpate all Indians in Generall but all Manner of Trade and Commerce with them”(The American Promise, p.91). Extirpating the Natives was a perfect excuse to keep the Natives away for good.

Berkeley “pronounced Bacon a[s] a rebel, [and] threatened to punish him for treason”(Them American Promise, p.91) but, he could trick Bacon into a new election for the House of Burgesses. What Berkeley did not know is that Bacon’s name has gained a title and became very popular within the colony. Bacon has also gained many loyal followers that shall always be by Bacon’s side. The elections blew up at Berkeley and “was replaced by local leaders including Bacon”(92). Bacon has several followers and now he also has the power of the legislation. His malevolent feelings towards the Natives started to surface with the new laws made within the colony. Since Bacon has the power, he believed that he might as well use it to get what he wants. Having Bacon in the House of Burgesses can cause much chaos in the colony. With all his power, “Bacon’s forces fought the Indians sacked the grandees’ plantations, and attacked Jamestown”(The American Promise, p.92). Bacon’s actions were meaningless, and destructive. Bacons actions only led to more problems. None of his actions were made to help change the living environment for the poor colonists. The only reason why the rebellion has been going on for so long is because Bacon was not satisfied until every Native in Virginia were demolished. In the middle of the rebellion, Bacon unexpectedly died. “ The rebellion didn’t last long after that”(Zinn). The colonists did not know what to do or where to go after Bacon’s death. Since they no longer had Bacons manipulative input on situations, the colonists just stopped rebelling. Now that Bacon is gone, the colonists slowly realized that fighting with the Natives was pointless. However, the colonists still believed that the Natives needed to live away from the colony so that everyone could live safe. "The Indians had their land seized by white frontiersmen”(Zinn). They still treated the Natives as a problem. Even after Bacon’s death, the colonist’s feelings towards the Natives were not at great terms. Bacon has truly impacted the views and lives of the colonists.

Like Bacon’s Rebellion, if you judge by the different characteristics in a person’s appearance, you will walk down the road of regret and shame. If you look at the today, there are children and even adults who has bias views towards others. From those views, many people of other races have been killed or beat. As a result, Bacon’s Rebellion was a clear example of prejudice and bias views that were happening during the 1600s. Bacon’s Rebellion clearly impacted history for generations. The relationship between the Natives and Colonists will always be known as a never ending fight. Nathaniel Bacon has truly impacted the views of the colonists and changed the colonization process for the Natives in Virginia. Nathaniel Bacon’s actions will always be remembered as strong bias beliefs targeted only towards Natives.